We've seen distortions of truth and  re-writes of history in school textbooks before.  You'd think, by now, we'd have a handle on this nonsense in Texas.  Most of the teachers (and a few administrators) that I've known over the years are both conservative and very much concerned about how the lessons they use are interpreted by their students.  They aren't going to do anything stupid.  They're integrity is worth something to them.  But lets now take up the case of Guyer High School in Denton, Texas.  The website joeforamerica.com (Joe The Plumber as you know him) is reporting that Guyer is using an AP History book titled “United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination” (pictured above).  What's the beef?  Page 102 of said 'history' book-

2nd Amendment-'The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia.' 

Negative.  That is NOT how it reads.  Anyone with a 4th grade education (should) know better.  The Second Amendment, of course, actually reads as follows-

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Joe tells us it's the authors attempt to simplify the language.  I call BS on that one.  We've watch and listened as the left-wing media misinformation machine has churned away for years now at the Second Amendment.  They've gotten pretty good and trouncing on the First Amendment, too.  Unless it's being used in their defense.
Please, Texas educators, you HAVE to be smarter than this.  I feel confident that this worthless history tool will be removed, if it has not already.   But this is just another example of why, as educators and administrators, working at the pleasure of and for the public good, MUST make a concerted effort to get in front of these small problems before they become major headaches.  It's one thing to disagree with our constitutional guarantees.  It's another to present deliberate distortions of them as 'history'.  You know better.
Also notice the First Amendment definition published in this textbook uses the phrase 'separation of church and state'.  Those words do NOT appear in the United States Constitution at all.  The concept of 'separation of church and state' was gleaned from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists Association in 1803.  Anti-religion (particularly anti-Christian) groups and activists love to apply Jefferson's words to imply a broad constitutional prohibition of the inclusion of God in or on anything connected to government.

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