
Do You Have a Religious Affiliation? [POLL]
Do You Have a Religious Affiliation? [POLL]
Do You Have a Religious Affiliation? [POLL]
For the first time in U.S. history, Protestants do not comprise a majority of the population—but not because another religion is about to surpass it. Instead, the fastest-growing religious affiliation in America is, in fact, no religious affiliation.
Would You Rather Lose Your Wallet or Your Smartphone? [POLL]
Would You Rather Lose Your Wallet or Your Smartphone? [POLL]
Would You Rather Lose Your Wallet or Your Smartphone? [POLL]
For many decades, losing your wallet was clearly the worst. Not only were you suddenly without means to pay for anything, but you had been displaced of much of your personal information and were facing hours and hours of dealing with credit card companies and the DMV. Fun! These days, a smartphone also packs a significant portion of your life into a small package that you carry with you everywhere
Should Police Departments Be Allowed to Use Unmanned Drones? [POLL]
Should Police Departments Be Allowed to Use Unmanned Drones? [POLL]
Should Police Departments Be Allowed to Use Unmanned Drones? [POLL]
Recently, Congress directed the FAA to revise its safety regulations on unmanned aircraft, clearing the way for more domestic use of drones. This would mean, among other things, that local police departments would be freer to use drones for surveillance. While having a movable eye in the sky would clearly aid the cops in some of their duties, it also presents civil-liberties issues.  According to
Did the Replacement Refs Really Do That Bad a Job? [POLL]
Did the Replacement Refs Really Do That Bad a Job? [POLL]
Did the Replacement Refs Really Do That Bad a Job? [POLL]
Our (three-week-) long national nightmare is over: the real referees are back. Late Wednesday night, the league and the union reached an agreement, and it looks like NFL fans can go back to yelling at an entirely different group of men in striped shirts for making decisions they disagree with. Yay!

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