Maura Chwastyk

The Best Apps to Help With Holiday Gift-Giving
The holidays are a stressful time. Whether it's worrying about crazy travel plans, wondering how you're going to manage your drunk Aunt Carol at the family get-together, or not sleeping because the million-watt glow from your neighbors' Christmas decorations keeps you up all night, everyone's nerves are a bit more frayed this time of year.

10 Surprising Uses for Toothpaste
When you’re brushing your teeth, it can be almost impossible to contain the toothpaste only to your brush. Somehow it ends up on the mirror, in the sink, maybe even on your hands.
It seems like the only good place for that paste is in your mouth, but as it turns out, there are a lot of other places you might want your toothpaste to go. It can help out all over the house if you know how to use it.

The 10 Best Back-to-School Apps Will Have You at the Head of the Class
The weather might be more ice cream trucks and long days at the pool, but the calendar is inching towards yellow buses and new backpacks. Every parent knows about back to school clothes and back-to-school supplies, but nowadays, back-to-school apps are just as important.

10 Awesome Tech Gifts Dad Will Love On Father’s Day
Sure, your dad said he didn’t want anything for Fathers’ Day, but that might also have been a not-so-subtle hint that thanks to the last several holidays, he has enough ties and golf balls.

10 Tech Savvy Gifts That Will Blow Mom Away This Mother’s Day
As much as your non-smoking mom claims to love the handmade ashtrays and hand-picked bouquet (from her garden, no less) that you’ve given her every Mother’s Day for the last two decades, this is the year to shake things up.

7 Amazing Apps That Will Help You Get the Best Night of Sleep Ever
Many of us have become so addicted to our phones that we can’t stand having to put them down, even when we’re driving. If you’re one of the technologically obsessed who hates to be parted from your phone even to sleep, you’re in luck.

What US Cities are Most Obsessed with Beauty?
In your worst nightmares are you not only naked in the office, but not wearing makeup? Can you name over 50 different shades of red and have the lipsticks to prove it? Do you know all of the best products to thin your brows and plump your lips?
If you said yes to any of these questions, it might be because you live in one of the top 10 most beauty-obsessed cities, according to women’s magazine InS

10 Fascinating Facts About Tax Preparation That Will Actually Blow Your Mind
Amount of income, number of deductions, total receipts, amount of times you banged your head on the table: April is the month of figures.
If the amount of money in your bank account and number on your tax return are making you crazy, take a break, take a breath and distract yourself with some of these numbers from the IRS.