Just under two months away from one of the biggest annual events in Wichita Falls and a ton of people will be coming into Wichita Falls looking for a place to stay.

Hotter'N Hell Weekend August 22nd-August 25th

Obviously the biggest event everyone thinks of with the Hotter'N Hell Hundred is the 100 mile bike ride that will be taking place on August 24th this year. Events will actually be happening all weekend long, so don't be shocked to see riders cruising around downtown Wichita Falls that Friday or Sunday as well. Many folks in the Wichita Falls area take part in this event every year, but a lot actually travel from all over to take part in the ride.

 Listen to Host Homes Interview Below

Cherry was kind enough to come to the studio this week to discuss how residents in the Texoma area can help out folks coming to town for this big event. Host homes is program that the Hotter'N Hell Hundred has looking to pair riders with a home that has some open space for them to stay. Could be a spare bedroom, a cot, even a sofa. You as a host home can actually specifically request the type of rider you would want staying at your house. Also riders can request what they're looking for as well. More of that can be heard in the interview above.

How Do I Sign Up For Host Homes?

Just check out hh100.org. At the top of the page you will see a tab for lodging, just click host homes to sign up there. If you're a rider or looking to volunteer being a host home, just click over there. We will see if the turnout is even bigger for this year's Hotter'N Hell 100 with it being named the best cycling event in the country.

Photos from the 2022 Hotter'N Hell 100

92.9 NIN was proud to support the 2022 Hotter'N Hell 100! Check out the photos below from this year's bike ride.

Gallery Credit: Eric the Intern

Wichita Falls Candyland 2022

Located on Southwest Parkway in Wichita Falls, Texas, east of Memorial Stadium, lies Candyland Christmas! A local homeowner goes ALL OUT on their holiday lights display by recreating the classic boardgame Candyland but with a festive twist. It looks like the homeowner started decorating in early November. We're not sure when the homeowner is planning on flipping the switch, but with the holidays right around the corner, they'll probably be lighting it up soon!

Gallery Credit: Stryker