All that rain Wichita Falls has received has been great for our local lakes and looks like it can ease us out of some of our water restrictions.

What Are Stage 1 Drought Restrictions in Wichita Falls?

City of Wichita Falls
City of Wichita Falls

For well over a year, the city of Wichita Falls has been put under stage 1 water restrictions. For you as a homeowner, this essentially meant you could only water your lawn on certain days of the week. This morning, the Wichita Falls City Council voted to take us out of Stage 1 water restrictions with our combined lake levels at 79.4%.

Watch Live City Council Meeting Below

The live city council meeting can be watched above. This was a unanimous decision by city leaders to take us out of stage 1. If lake levels go under 65%, be prepared for stage 1 water restrictions to go back into place.

Here is What is Still in Place for Water Restrictions in Wichita Falls

  • No watering with sprinklers from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.
  • There is no irrigation (watering) system operation with broken components or leaks.
  • Spray irrigation cannot run down the curb for more than 50 feet.
  • Bubbler, drip, or soaker irrigation cannot run down the curb for more than five (5) feet but is allowed any time or day.
  • If washing vehicles at home, the hose must have a positive shutoff nozzle.
  • Hand watering can be done at any time.

Wichita Falls' Business and Water Restrictions

The following requirements apply to businesses year-round:

  • Commercial car washes must use nozzles that discharge <3.0 gpm
  • Restaurants cannot serve water unless asked for by the customer.
  • Restaurants cannot use pre-rinse nozzles that discharge more than 1.6 gpm.
  • Restaurants must have a positive shutoff on the pre-rinse nozzles.
  • Ice machines cannot be single-pass or water-cooled.
  • Hotels/Motels/Short term lodging must offer customers a linen reuse option displayed in all rooms.

Biggest Employers in Wichita Falls, Texas

According to the Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce, these are currently the biggest companies in town.

Gallery Credit: Stryker

Where is Every Wichita Falls Horse in Town?

Did you know Wichita Falls has over 60 horses around town? Check them all out below.

Gallery Credit: Stryker


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