Maura Chwastyk
Filing Your Taxes at the Last Minute? Here Are Five Things You Need to Know
Remember the kids who always sat in the front of the classroom, the ones who reminded the teacher when she forgot to hand out homework? Those kids grew up into adults who get their oil changed every 3,000 miles, visit the dentist every six months like clockwork and file their taxes as soon as they can.
Then there were the back of the class kids. They’re now the reasons dentists send those “we’ve m
Why Do We Even Pay Income Taxes? Here’s Your History Lesson
“Nothing can said to be certain, except death and taxes.” As April 15 approaches, those famous words from Benjamin Franklin resonate stronger and stronger. Yet Franklin spoke them 100 years before the most difficult and vexing tax to most Americans — the income tax — even existed.
So how exactly did the income tax as we know it come to be?
Breast Implants, Pirate’s Ransom and 5 Other Weirdest Tax Write-Offs of All Time
Tax time can be very frustrating when you realize you’re not going to get as big of a refund as you were expecting, or worse, you’re going to have to send the IRS a check. So it’s no wonder people might ask if their pet counts as a dependent (it doesn’t) or if they can write off that new suit jacket (probably not).
10 Things You Definitely Should Not Do on Your Taxes
So, you think you’re ready to file your taxes, huh? Well, not so fast.
7 Apps Guaranteed to Make Tax Season a Breeze
Tax season isn’t fun for anyone. While filing your taxes means digging through shoeboxes of receipts, guessing at what number goes on which line and and pounding your head against real or imaginary walls, it can be even worse.
Luckily there are a few great apps that can help ease the frustration of tax time. This year, let your phone save you some irritation — and maybe even some money.
Could the Key to Losing Weight Be A Good Night’s Sleep?
The weight loss industry has come out with a seemingly unending supply of new miracle products meant to help us in our pursuits to fit into a smaller pair of jeans, but, according to a new study, the most helpful diet tools might just be a comfortable pillow and a solid eight hours
Find Out What Job Buzzwords Like ‘Detail-Oriented’ and ‘Team Player’ Really Mean
At some point you’ve probably held a job that turned out to be unpleasantly different than you thought. As it turns out, though, the warning signs of what positions really entail might actually be right in the job postings.
Parents Revolt Against High School’s New Approach to Teenage Contraception
While the United States takes measures such as abstinence initiatives, sexual education and sometimes criticizing Bristol Palin as a scare tactic to prevent teenage pregnancy, some schools in the UK are taking a much more direct route.