Please Turn On This Crucial Phone Safety FeaturePlease Turn On This Crucial Phone Safety FeatureYour phone tracks your habits so it knows when something abnormal happens.Jolana MillerJolana Miller
Unveiling The Mystery: UFO Sightings Soar In Texas And BeyondUnveiling The Mystery: UFO Sightings Soar In Texas And BeyondUncover the surprising UFO hotspot in Texas and learn about the intriguing theories surrounding alien existence.ChazChaz
Do *NOT* Install That Windows 11 Update — Here’s WhyDo *NOT* Install That Windows 11 Update — Here’s WhyMicrosoft released an optional Windows 11 update last week. Donny MeachamDonny Meacham
All Teen Accounts on Instagram Are Now Automatically Private, Plus More ChangesAll Teen Accounts on Instagram Are Now Automatically Private, Plus More ChangesSee when it goes into effect. Ryan ReichardRyan Reichard
Walmart Hopes to Curb Theft in Oklahoma With New TechWalmart Hopes to Curb Theft in Oklahoma With New TechWith self-checkout theft still rising, Walmart found a fix for the infamous barcode-swap. KelsoKelso
Oops! ‘Free Money’ Bank ATM Glitch Was Actually Check FraudOops! ‘Free Money’ Bank ATM Glitch Was Actually Check FraudOuch!Ryan ReichardRyan Reichard
Time To Pay: Amazon to Start Charging Some Alexa Users in Coming MonthsTime To Pay: Amazon to Start Charging Some Alexa Users in Coming MonthsHere's how much it will cost and what you're getting. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Fed Up with Mail Theft, Woman Uses Popular Gadget to Catch Thieves in the ActFed Up with Mail Theft, Woman Uses Popular Gadget to Catch Thieves in the ActWhen a woman grew frustrated with her missing mail, she took a surprisingly simple step that caught the thieves red-handed—she mailed herself an AirTag.Stephen LenzStephen Lenz