A man detailed his experience upsetting his girlfriend after he did not clean their shared apartment properly. 

"I 29M live with my girlfriend 29F. She recently got back from a week long trip and upon arriving deemed the house not clean and proceeded to get mad and cry for the evening," his Reddit post begins.

The man gives some context to the story and says that their apartment is usually clean, but that her standard of clean is greater than his.

"Context: my girlfriend and I keep a very clean house. Her level of cleanliness is higher than mine but I do my best to match her level because it’s important to her. We’ve had conversations and agreed upon what the level of cleanliness we want is, and I committed to be onboard for that. The issue is.. I’m not perfect and I’m not a professional cleaner," he shares.

The man then says that he knew his girlfriend was getting back, so he went and cleaned their apartment.

"The day before she got back I knew there was lots of cleaning to do so I left work early, rushed home, and spent the next few hours vacuuming, washing the sheets and duvets, scrubbing the sink, and more. My goal was not to half a-s it, I put in the effort to make the house beautiful," he revealed.

"When she arrived the next day I was off at work but she noticed things that were not to her liking. To me these are honest mistakes. One example is that the flowers we had in a vase had shed pollen. Another is a 'weird' smell in the fridge. There were two other things but at the same level," the man continued.

The girlfriend went on to take care of the issues herself, but she was upset over it.

"When I got home she said she’d already taken care of the issues but was saddened about them. I apologized for them, said it really was a mistake, and explained that I spent a lot of time cleaning. At that point though it was too late and she was already too upset and sad," he revealed.

"From my opinion I wish she would just mention them when I got home and ask me to take care of them, and I certainly would," the man concludes before asking if he is wrong.

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People in the comments section of the post agreed that he was not wrong.

"Perfection is the enemy of good. I do love a clean house, but you also live there. It isn’t a showroom. Not everything can be perfect all of the time," one person said.

"That’s not exactly normal behavior," read another comment.

"This is some next level ocd," added a Reddit user.

"A person who makes an honest effort should be commended, not judged," someone else shared.

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Gallery Credit: Michele Bird