Live Nation Unveil Record Profits as Ticket Prices SpikeLive Nation Unveil Record Profits as Ticket Prices SpikeTheir revenue increased by BILLIONS.Graham HartmannGraham Hartmann
New Jersey Politician Argues Government Should Break Up Live NationNew Jersey Politician Argues Government Should Break Up Live NationHe cited its record of safety incidents and deaths.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Live Nation Boycotts Russia, Spotify Closes Moscow Office in Support of UkraineLive Nation Boycotts Russia, Spotify Closes Moscow Office in Support of UkraineThey join the response to the invasion of Ukraine.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Live Nation + Ticketmaster Sued for Alleged Predatory Sales PracticesLive Nation + Ticketmaster Sued for Alleged Predatory Sales PracticesIt's not the first time this has happened.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp