
Angry Citizens Wear Diapers in Spanish Protests [VIDEO]
Angry Citizens Wear Diapers in Spanish Protests [VIDEO]
Angry Citizens Wear Diapers in Spanish Protests [VIDEO]
Wearing adult-sized diapers may be a strange way to voice your disapproval, but the infant-inspired getup will definitely get you noticed. At least it did for a group in Valencia, Spain who continue raising their voices against social spending cuts and austerity measures put in place by the government there.
Democracy Spreading In Middle East, North Africa?
Democracy Spreading In Middle East, North Africa?
Democracy Spreading In Middle East, North Africa?
Uprisings are everywhere it seems; Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Iran, even Saudi Arabia.  Is democracy going to gain a foothold in the region?  It could happen.  I could also win the lottery tonight.  I'm not holding my breath on either bet...