I've never been a cookie cutter house guy, I would love to own something unique. This house is definitely turning some heads to everybody that drives by.

People will send me weird houses in Texas and Oklahoma all the time. One of my more recent favorites was a house for sale in Oklahoma that looked like something George Jetson would own. Today, we're staying in the Lone Star State and heading over to Fort Davis, Texas.

Fort Davis Pyramid

I won't lie to you. Fort Davis is in the middle of freaking nowhere in Texas. The closest 'major' city would be Odessa, at least that's the first city name I recognize in the area. Odessa is 2.5 hours away, so be prepared to travel to do anything fun. If you're an outdoorsy person, the town has a lot of parks for you to go explore.

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If you're an inside person like myself, you will want to get a nice house in the area. Well, for the low cost of $80,000. You can own 300 San Juan Drive. This one bedroom, one bathroom house, has just over 2,000 square feet. I won't lie to you guys, it is a little skeptical that they have no shots of inside the house.

I get it, it's a pyramid. What the hell does this thing look like on the inside? One can only hope this thing has the same setup as the great pyramids over in Egypt. Fun fact, the inside of those pyramids is a constant 68 degrees. It does not matter how hot that desert gets, 68 degrees 24/7. If I could find a way to get my house like that WITHOUT running up a crazy electric bill, let me know.

Pyramid for Sale in Texas

It may not be the great pyramids over in Egypt, but you could own a pyramid house right here in Texas. Check it out below.

This Wichita Falls Home Was Once a Recording Studio

Back in the day, Wichita Falls was home to Nesman Studio. Who had some very famous clintel come in throughout the years, including Buddy Holly. Today though, the recording studio is gone and it's just a house at 3108 York Avenue. Check it out below.

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