Grammy and Academy Award winning singer Phil Collins will be donating his entire collections of Alamo and Texas Revolution artifacts to the state of Texas this week.

Collins will be arriving in San Antonio to oversee the transfer on Tuesday morning along with Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, who is also the state steward of the Alamo.  In a statement, Patterson praised Collins' generosity,

Texans are deeply indebted to Phil Collins.  He is giving us back our heritage.

Collins announced his intention to donate his collection back in June, a collection of over 200 artifacts believed to be the largest private Alamo-related collection.  According to Collins,

Some people would buy Ferraris.  Some people would buy houses.  I bought old bits of metal and old bits of paper.  It's at my home, in my basement in Switzerland.  I look at it every day, but no one else was enjoying it.

Among the items being donated are a rifle and leather shot pouch owned by Davy Crocket and believed to have been used during the final days of Crocket's life, crates and letters from William Travis, and Jim Bowie's legendary knife.   According to Collins, his favorite artifact is a receipt for a saddle bought by John W. Smith, a messenger who was tasked with riding through the Mexican army lines to gather reinforcements.

Collins noted that he's loved the Alamo since he was five-years-old, even writing a 2012 book about his Alamo collection, The Alamo and Beyond: A Collector's Journey.  Though he's donating the entirety of his Alamo collection, Collins doesn't intend to stop collecting.  He plans to donate any future Alamo artifact purchases after they've stayed with him for a month.

Jerry Patterson hopes to construct a new building to house the Collins Collection.

Now these Texas treasures need a home where all can see them and study from them and learn about how Texans won our liberty.

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