
Verizon Wireless Announces New ‘Convenience Fee’
Verizon Wireless Announces New ‘Convenience Fee’
Verizon Wireless Announces New ‘Convenience Fee’
If you listen closely, you’ll hear the collective screams of a lot of Verizon Wireless customers — the company has announced that starting next month, it will impose a $2 fee on anyone who pays a monthly bill using a credit or debit card online or by phone.
What Were 2011′s Stupidest Consumer Fees?
What Were 2011′s Stupidest Consumer Fees?
What Were 2011′s Stupidest Consumer Fees?
As consumers, we’re all used to being nickel-and-dimed to death with fees — from charges for checking a bag when we fly to charges to pay a bill online, we see them every day. They may be small, but they add up. And some were even more egregious than others in 2011.

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