Mike Adams is a literary slop zombie; a mutt breed of surrealism and violence; a man who likes his metal heavy and his rock southern. In May of 2007, he boldly published a book of maniacal short stories entitled ‘Toilet Bowl Soup: Redneck Tales from the Armpit of America’ - selling more than 10,000 copies worldwide. However, in 2010, he released ‘Toilet Bowl Soup: The Holy Sh*t’, which sold about 100 copies - if you count close friends, relatives and other people who felt sorry for him. Mike Adams also co-stars in the films ‘Watch Out’, ‘Phone Sex’, ‘Wamego: Ultimatum’, and ‘Trust Me’. He has also contributed music to the movie “It Came from Trafalgar” starring Hank Williams III and Gunnar Hansen from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Mike Adams currently resides in Southern Indiana where he writes for a number of Townsquare Media websites, HIGH TIMES, Playboy's The Smoking Jacket, and Hustler magazine.
Mike Adams
Drunken Man Goes for Joyride on Airport Runway
An airport can be one of the quietest places in the world to spend Christmas Eve; that is as long as there isn’t a deviant bartender somewhere in the place feeding last-minute travelers a high-octane concoction of holiday despair and Makers Mark. At that point, everything from hurt feelings to an international incident is possible - and highly likely.
Elderly Man Invents Chinese Econo-Rascal Powered by Dog
In staunch times of economic struggle, it can become necessary to get back to the primitive and consult your immediate resources as a means for survival. However, when all you have at your disposal is a busted clothes rack, a few shopping cart casters and a mangy old dog, the reality is that fiscal rigor mortis has really set in.
Five States Set to Expand Classroom Hours by 300 Hours
Earlier this week, five states announced plans to add a minimum of 300 extra hours to molding young minds in the classroom next year in hopes of strengthening the American student performance.
What Are the Least and Most Trusted Professions in America?
There are two types of people that no one trusts: politicians, and anyone selling cars. On the other hand, Americans think very highly of nurses. That is the consensus of a recent Gallup poll.
Murder Spreads Through a City Like an Infection in the Body
Murder is more like an infection than a random act, according to a new study. This may help police contain a city's homicide rate, through better understanding of where future murders are more likely to occur.
What Are the Best- and Worst-Run States in America?
Ever wonder just how efficient your state government is? It can be tough to figure, as there really aren't too many tools out there that provide up-to-the-minute report cards on our local leaders.
Bullying Can Lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Bullying does not have to result in suicide for it to have serious, long-term effects. A recent study published in the Journal of Adolescent Psychology discovered that nearly 33 percent of all bullying victims suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
The Middle Class Is Poorer Than It Has Been in 43 Years — Dollars and Sense
The median net worth of working-class Americans is now lingering at a 43-year low of $57,000.