If you thought parallel parking was scary, try paranormal parking at this haunted Oklahoma parking lot. That's right, the Sooner State has a haunted parking lot. Sure, why not? I mean we have every other kind of haunting you can think of. There are haunted houses, restaurants, hospitals, bars, forests, theaters, cemeteries, bridges, and hotels. We can add a parking lot to this endless list of scary places you can visit in Oklahoma.

So where is this paranormal parking lot located? You'll find it at 10 E. 21st Street in Tulsa, OK. It's on the corner of East 21st Street and South Main Street across from Dream Keeper's Park. Now it wasn't always a parking lot. Years ago a house stood there and all kinds of crazy, terrifying, and evil deeds took place at this location. Maybe you've heard of it before, it was called the Hex House. It was eventually torn down in 1975.

Hit play on the video below to learn about the haunting history of Tulsa's Hex House

So what's the story behind this haunted parking lot and its relationship to the infamous Tulsa Hex House? Back in the 1940s, a group of three women lived in a duplex where this parking lot is now. One of the women put a spell or hex on the other two and made them live in the basement as prisoners while she lived upstairs in luxury. The two women Virginia Evans and Willetta Horner gave all their money to Carolann Smith who promised them both rewards in heaven for their suffering on earth. They were enslaved for over 7 years.

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Smith also took out insurance policies on family, friends, and even a maid. After their mysterious and untimely deaths, she collected large settlements. She even swindled Virginia Evans' father out of thousands of dollars for nursing and health care costs while she was living, more like imprisoned at Hex House. Eventually, the two women were rescued and told stories of how they were starved and beaten. Law enforcement found all kinds of witchcraft books along with other evidence that told a gruesome story.

A street view photo of where the Hex House used to be at 10 E. 21st Street in Tulsa, OK.

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After Carolann Smith was arrested more and more details began to surface about the horrific and abusive treatment Virginia Evans and Willetta Horner endured while being held prisoner at Hex House. The house got its name after investigators uncovered evidence of witchcraft and satanism. Also, the two women who were held hostage reported being hexed by Smith and were unable to break the spell. In the end, Carolann Smith only received 1 year in prison for her evil deeds. Despite suspicions of her involvement in other scams, fraud, and even the deaths of those she collected insurance settlements for. But there wasn't enough evidence.

The house was torn down in 1975 but allegedly the basement where Virginia Evans and Willetta Horner were held hostage and even tortured is still under the pavement. People experience all kinds of weird phenomena while on the lot. Car lights going on and off, hearing muffled sounds from below the ground, and an awful feeling of dread and fright. Some people have even reported that their cars would start and move all by themselves. There's even talk of spirits and supernatural beings trying to communicate through car stereos.

Watch the video below for a sneak peek of the Hex House Haunted attraction in Tulsa, OK.

The story and legend of Hex House have been the inspiration for numerous horror films, books, and even haunted attractions. The most famous is the Hex House in Tulsa, OK. It's said to be one of the scariest haunted attractions in the state and among the top haunted attractions in the nation. It's officially open for the 2023 Halloween season so if you're looking to get good and scared this would be the place to do it. If that sounds like a good time visit the official Hex House website for details or check them out on Facebook.

If you're into the paranormal and supernatural Oklahoma has a ton of haunted places, urban legends, and eerie tales. It seems almost every county, town, and place you can go to in the Sooner State there are ghost stories being told. We've got something for everyone. Click here for even more Oklahoma hauntings.

Top 10 terrifying towns & creepy cities in Oklahoma

While Oklahoma is well known for its beauty and friendly people there are a few places in the Sooner State you'll want to avoid. These are the most terrifying towns and scary cities in the state. It's not that they're bad places, or plagued with crime and other negative factors. The towns and cities below have one single thing in common. They all have active paranormal and supernatural phenomenons. From ghost stories to urban legends and tragic tales. A lot of these places are well known to those who live in Oklahoma and even all over the nation. If you're looking to get scared or do a little ghost hunting you can start with the list below.

Gallery Credit: Don "Critter" Brown

The Top 5 most frightening Oklahoma myths & monsters

These five frightening Oklahoma myths and monsters will keep you up at night. We're talking about pure nightmare fuel. No matter what you believe or where you live you aren't safe from these legendary fiends of absolute terror. You can find these sinister creatures in the deep woods, lakes, and even within city limits across the Sooner State. Even your home isn't safe from these monstrous beasts. If you've lived here for a while you may have heard of some, maybe even all of these mythological and supernatural monsters below.

Gallery Credit: Don "Critter" Brown

Lake Altus-Lugert and SWOK's Underwater Ghost Town

Like most rare things, conditions have to be just right to see one of Oklahoma's hidden gems. In years of good and average rainfall, the lost town of Lugert stays buried beneath the waves... but in dry years, especially those stricken by drought, you can walk around this pre-statehood townsite while enjoying one of Oklahoma's prettiest areas, Quartz Mountain State Park.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

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