New Recycling Containers in Wichita Falls Make Going Green Easier for Residents
Recycling in Wichita Falls just got a lot easier with the new single stream recycling receptacles set up at several locations throughout the city. Single stream, or 'single sort', recycling, refers to a system in which all paper fibers, plastics, metals, and other containers can be mixed into a bin like the one pictured above; without having to be sorted first by residents. Mike Gaver, a representative from IESI, Progressive Waste Solutions says,
This type of recycling system [single stream recycling] is ground breaking for Wichita Falls, it's the kind of innovative and easy recycling that you see in larger cities such as Dallas/Fort Worth. Bottom line is that it makes recycling easy for residents, and the easier we make it, the more people will be willing to participate."
With the new single stream recycling system in Wichita Falls, both the collection and processing systems are designed to handle a fully commingled mixture of recyclables, with materials being separated for reuse at the materials recovery facility (MRF) in Mckinney, Texas - which is capable of recycling 6,495 tons of material per month.
IESI has set up three of the single stream recycling containers in Wichita Falls. The locations are:
So what can we put in these new recycling containers? Each container is equipped with a list of recyclable items that are accepted and a list of waste materials that are not acceptable. Here is the list:
Accepted Recyclables: | Waste Materials Not Accepted: |
Paper (newspaper, magazines, phonebooks) Glass (all colors accepted) Cardboard Beverage Containers Plastics #1- 7 Aluminum (no aerosol cans or aluminum foil) Tin & Steel (no paint cans) | Food Waste Styrofoam Wood Restroom Waste Grocery Bags (take to Walmart) Electronics |
Wichita Falls resident Mary Gwin (a.k.a "the recycle lady" to those who know her), has her own recycle room at Interfaith Ministries where she volunteers, and is thrilled to have these new 'no sort' recycle containers in Wichita Falls. Mary says that one of the best things about the new containers is that they accept all types of plastics, where most recycling centers will only accept plastics #1 and #2. If you are curious to know what type of plastic you may have, just look for the number inside the triangular plastic recycle codes on your containers or packaging.
Gaver concluded by saying,
We are very excited about the future of recycling in Wichita Falls and the surrounding areas. IESI is proud to bring this program to our area so that everyone has the opportunity to go green."
If you have questions regarding the single stream recycling program, you can contact the local IESI office at 940-592-5050.