Do you miss a certain zombie event in Wichita Falls? Well good news, a new event is coming to takeover downtown at the end of the month.

Remember the Wichita Falls Zombie Crawl?

Dave Diamond
Dave Diamond

Back in 2010, a new event took place in downtown Wichita Falls called the Zombie Crawl. It quickly exploded in popularity throughout the years and at one point was attracting thousands to downtown Wichita Falls for the event. I'm not sure why the Zombie Crawl went away, it's final year was before 2020 so we can't blame that. Well a similar style event is coming to Wichita Falls on October 28, 2023.

Wichita Falls Get Ready for The Running Dead!

For obvious legal reasons, Walking Dead could not be used. However the fine folks at Withershins Menagerie are partnering up with other downtown Wichita Falls businesses to help bring a zombie like event back to Wichita Falls at the end of October. They came up to the studio not too long ago to talk about the event.

Listen to the Full Interview With Withershins Menagerie Below

Become The Dead!

Zombie Walk In Duesseldorf
Getty Images

That's right, you will have an opportunity to get undead style makeup done. Makeup artists will be on site to help make sure it looks like a true nightmare in downtown Wichita Falls.

Don't Worry, Kid's Corner for the Little Ones

President Obama And First Lady Welcome Children To White House For Halloween
Getty Images

Worried about the dead scaring the kids? Don't worry, a kid's corner will be setup at Crashworks. Kids can go play there without having to worry about getting nightmares.

Trunk Or Treat

Parents In DC-Area Feel Safe To Let Kids Trick Or Treat
Getty Images

Wouldn't be an event like this without candy. Several classic cars will be doing a trunk or treat with their car show. Come check out the cool vehicles and score some free candy.

Get Registered to Go Through the Obstacle Course and Get a Shirt

'Resident Evil: Retribution' World Premiere
Getty Images

If you want to register to survive the undead obstacle course, you will want to do so before October 27th at this link. You can also get registered for a cool Running Dead t-shirt. Stay up to date with everything going on at this event at the Running Dead WF website.

Best Wichita Falls Trick-Or-Treat Neighborhoods

We asked our listeners what are the best neighborhoods in Wichita Falls to trick-or-treat, and they gave us four great areas across town!

Gallery Credit: Stryker

Wichita Falls Candyland 2022

Located on Southwest Parkway in Wichita Falls, Texas, east of Memorial Stadium, lies Candyland Christmas! A local homeowner goes ALL OUT on their holiday lights display by recreating the classic boardgame Candyland but with a festive twist. It looks like the homeowner started decorating in early November. We're not sure when the homeowner is planning on flipping the switch, but with the holidays right around the corner, they'll probably be lighting it up soon!

Gallery Credit: Stryker

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