Where You Can and Can't Scatter Someone's Ashes In TexasWhere You Can and Can't Scatter Someone's Ashes In TexasDo you want your ashes to spread somewhere in Texas? There are some rules about where that can happen.Chad HastyChad Hasty
Do You Have To Stop And Pull Over For Funeral Procession In TexasDo You Have To Stop And Pull Over For Funeral Procession In TexasThe tradition of pulling over for funeral processions in Texas: Law or myth?Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Irish Man Leaves Greatest Recording to be Played at His Funeral [VIDEO]Irish Man Leaves Greatest Recording to be Played at His Funeral [VIDEO]Only word to describe this: genius!Tony KernsTony Kerns
Maxine Waters Displays Her Madness and Hatred at a Funeral [Video]Maxine Waters Displays Her Madness and Hatred at a Funeral [Video]California's Maxine Waters again offers herself as evidence of why term limits need to be in placeMike HendrenMike Hendren
Funeral Services Set For Tommy WallaceFuneral Services Set For Tommy WallaceFuneral services have been set for a well-known Wichita Falls man who passed away in a house fire last week.DrewDrew
Funeral to Be Held for 8 People Fatally Shot in Houston HomeFuneral to Be Held for 8 People Fatally Shot in Houston HomeFuneral set for eight family members murdered by woman's former boyfriend in HoustonAssociated PressAssociated Press
Texas Church Accused of Refusing to Bury Member Because She Didn’t Attend While In a ComaTexas Church Accused of Refusing to Bury Member Because She Didn’t Attend While In a ComaA Texas church is being accused of refusing the final wish of a 93-year-old member because she didn't attend church or pay tithes the last two years of her life.Tony KernsTony Kerns