When Grant Davis of Austin, TX photoshopped his daughter Willow into films like 'King Kong' and 'Attack of the Clones', he intended to share them with friends and family.  He had no idea his work would go viral and gain him world-wide attention.

A freelance graphic designer and podcaster, Davis regularly includes his daughter Willow into his graphical work.  When his 15-month-old daughter struck a unique pose for a picture, he decided it was a good opportunity to place her in the movies,

I was amused with the pose in this photo so I decided to see how many ways I could work it into various films and make her pose have different contextual meanings: defensively warding off Godzilla, reaching out for a Snitch, blasting a repulsor ray from her Iron Man glove.

Davis' pictures have since gone viral and gained attention from Today Parents, The Huffington Post, and even an interview on the Australian morning Show 'Sunrise' (video below).

You can see more of Grant's work on Reddit.  And check out his podcasting and videos on Rage Select and The Beerists.


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