Texas Democrat Calls Herself ‘Brave,’ Is Mocked by Heroic Twitter Users

Texas House Democrats are still in Washington, D.C. avoiding going back to the Texas Capitol because they don't want to allow a vote on voter integrity legislation. By breaking quorum, Democrats are also not allowing the Texas House to vote on bail reform, checks for retired teachers and money for the foster care system.
The democrats broke quorum and left for Washington, D.C. on Monday, July 12th. They left on private jets and have been staying at a nice Washington hotel each day since then. From the moment the Democrats left Austin, many on the right have poked fun at them for various reasons -- from flying on private planes without masks, picking up a case of Miller Lite on their way to the airport and making Instagram posts acting like life is hard.
Then, several of the democrats started testing positive for COVID-19. Republicans had a field day with that fact, given that Democrats flew to Washington without masks on and will likely miss out on meeting with President Biden.
The reaction was swift to Beckley's tweet. She was mocked by those on the right and on the left. Rightly so.
Again, Texas Democrats, there's nothing brave about flying to Washington, D.C. on private planes and staying at a hotel. Waste of time? Yes. Not doing your job? Yes. Brave? Nope.
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