Everybody, the bar has been set. This is the best Mustang in Wichita Falls.

Whether you're a fan of the original comic books or have only seen the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is the mustang for you in downtown Wichita Falls. Located right outside of Big Blue, the mustang is called “Choose Your Side”.

It was drawn by Maddison Gerber and painted by Amy Walker. It is sponsored by the Downtown Lions Club and I'm sure will get a lot of attention while it is there. Some of my favorites are on the hero side. The Punisher, Hulk, Wolverine. On the villain's side you can see Doctor Octopus, Thanos, and Green Goblin to name a few. You will also notice a Stan Lee holding an Infinity Gauntlet in the chest of the Mustang.


Maddison and Amy, amazing job! I'm all for nerd stuff taking over downtown. Keep it going Wichita Falls. An official reveal will be happening for the mustang tonight at six.

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