Blood Situation Reaching Critical Levels on Low Donation Turnouts
Texas Blood Institute, the agency that supplies blood to every area hospital in North Texas, has declared a blood emergency. In a press release Monday, John Armitage, M.D., president and CEO, said:
The last few weeks we’ve had a significant decrease in blood donors. We expect some decline the week of Christmas, but we haven’t experienced low turnouts like this in the past few years. With a typical supply of three to five days, TBI can only bear a few days of such declines without hitting an emergency situation…there are adequate supplies of blood to meet the needs of patients now at the hospitals we serve, but our projections for need and expected donors within the next few days cause great concern,
All blood types are needed, but those with negative type blood are especially urged to give. Only 18 percent of the population has a negative blood type. Donors must be in good health and at least 16 years of age or older. The Wichita Falls TXBI office T is located at 3709 Gregory Street, across from Lowe’s. Blood drives are also being scheduled. Locations of the blood drives can be found at