Watch: Car Almost Hits Pedestrians in Wichita Falls, Texas
What in the name of all that is holy is going on here?
Apparently, there is a "new type" of sandwich coming to town called The Texomian.

The commercial for this "sandwich" is bonkers. Let's break it down.
Bring your own cheese.
So, the video opens up with a panning shot of a strip mall on Southwest Parkway, followed by a shot of Maximus, a strip bar. Then there is a montage of absolutely terrible editing while the voice-over guy describes making a burrito as if he invented it. At the point when he says cheese, a tiny graphic appears that says "must bring your own chees." What?
Missing File
Next is where it gets crazy. They have a portable sandwich stall in the middle of the street downtown which appears to be selling Texomian Sandwiches in exchange for a handshake. Then, with no warning, a car driving down the road veers off at the last second to narrowly avoid hitting the people standing in line for a sandwich! Then, there's a graphic that says "missing file," as if they didn't finish editing this thing.
Coming soon
The Texomian Sandwich Facebook page has a post saying that they'll be coming to the old Long John Silver building on Southwest Parkway, but I drove over there and absolutely no renovating is taking place...
A discovery!
...but I did find this in the parking lot. A used Texomian wrapper! What is going on here?
Pumpkin Spice
Omg there's a second commercial that's just as wild yet ever so slightly different.
Macies Day Texomian
Uhm, why not call it The Thanksgiving Texomian? And the song! Have I mentioned how terrible the song is on all of these?
The perfect meal before lunch
Ok, this one had me cracking up. The terrible snow effect. Smashing the peppermint with a hammer for no reason. Santa Clause winking at us. This commercial has it all.