People Cannot Answer Basic, Common Sense Questions [Video]People Cannot Answer Basic, Common Sense Questions [Video]Mark Dice again demonstrates just how dumb some folks can beMike HendrenMike Hendren
How Stupid Can People Be? Mark Dice has Some Examples on Display For You! [Video]How Stupid Can People Be? Mark Dice has Some Examples on Display For You! [Video]Mark Dice takes to the street once again to show us just how impossibly stupid some folks can be.Mike HendrenMike Hendren
Hillary Supporters Believe John Wayne Has Endorsed Her! [Video]Hillary Supporters Believe John Wayne Has Endorsed Her! [Video]Once again, Mark Dice proves just how dumb some of our fellow human beings and potential voters can be.Mike HendrenMike Hendren
Young Voters Actually Believe Karl Marx is Running for President! [Video]Young Voters Actually Believe Karl Marx is Running for President! [Video]Mark Dice finds voters willing to support Karl Marx for President in 2016, even though Marx has been dead since 1883.Mike HendrenMike Hendren
People Give Up Personal Info On Command! [Video]People Give Up Personal Info On Command! [Video]Gullible individuals willingly give up personal details without actually knowing why they are doing so!Mike HendrenMike Hendren
There Are People Who Actually Have No Clue Why We Celebrate July 4th [Video]There Are People Who Actually Have No Clue Why We Celebrate July 4th [Video]Mark Dice finds a disturbing number of people on the beach who have no clue why we celebrate Independence Day.Mike HendrenMike Hendren
Petition Signers Told They Are Supporting Karl Marx as Clinton Running MatePetition Signers Told They Are Supporting Karl Marx as Clinton Running MateMan on the street Mark Dice shows us yet again just how little people know!Mike HendrenMike Hendren
How Can Anyone NOT Know What Memorial Day is All About? [Video]How Can Anyone NOT Know What Memorial Day is All About? [Video]Mark Dice tries to talk about Memorial Day and the responses are unbelievableMike HendrenMike Hendren