video games

A Gamer’s Response to the NRA [OPINION]
A Gamer’s Response to the NRA [OPINION]
A Gamer’s Response to the NRA [OPINION]
After the tragic shooting in Newtown, many things went through my mind but one of the first was, “What will the NRA say about this?”  Any time there is massive gun violence in our nation, the NRA is one of the first to comment.  To their credit, the NRA decided to withhold any statement on the shooting to allow family and friends a chance to grieve, something they've been criticized for not doing
10-Year-Old Boy Designs Video Game for His Blind Grandmother
10-Year-Old Boy Designs Video Game for His Blind Grandmother
10-Year-Old Boy Designs Video Game for His Blind Grandmother
10-year-old Dylan Viale has a very close relationship with his grandmother Sherry, who is blind. The two walk dogs and go to the movies together, and recently went to a Lego event where they helped build a giant Lego Yoda. But because of her vision impairment, Dylan wasn’t able to share with his grandmother his love of video games. So the fifth-grader at Hidden Valley Elementary in Martinez, CA, d
Put Down the Controller ‘Cause That Video Game Might Literally Be Making You Violent
Put Down the Controller ‘Cause That Video Game Might Literally Be Making You Violent
Put Down the Controller ‘Cause That Video Game Might Literally Be Making You Violent
Question for you guys — when you played video games as young men, did you ever get so frustrated that you threw the controller across the room and suffered through a screaming, clawing tantrum? Well, it may not be entirely your fault. Adding to the growing evidence suggesting violent video games may make people more aggressive, a new study shows young men who play them had decreased activity in th
Video Games Might Be Warping Our Minds — Health Check
Video Games Might Be Warping Our Minds — Health Check
Video Games Might Be Warping Our Minds — Health Check
Is your kid hooked on video games? New research says simple brain-wiring may be to blame. Brain scans conducted on 154 teenagers who played video games at least nine hours per week found the structure and activity in the part of the brain associated with reward processing was larger than in those who played less often.

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