We all have a laugh over the Presidents lousy governing and inability to articulate so many things, but I am more than a bit uncomfortable with the laughter at times
As far as I am concerned, it is my wife and myself who’ll make the call on what the kids eat and when and how much. Likewise, I will decide what I put into my stomach.
The White House Easter Egg Roll is a tradition that goes back to 1878. In the beginning, the event was mostly just the roll itself, with children pushing painted eggs through the White House Lawn with a long-handled spoon.
But these days, it is much more than that. Now it’s a 11 hour event that about 35,000 kids and their parents attend.
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More than 25 years after shuffling to a win in Super Bowl XX, the 1985 Chicago Bears have been extended an invitation to the White House, CSN Chicago reports.
The NFL team that wins the Super Bowl is usually invited to the White House during the year of their victory. However, the Challenger exploded only two days after the Bears’ win.
In the battle between Donald Trump and Barack Obama, it looks like our nation's President is having the last laugh.
Just days after he released his long form birth certificate to the public, Obama appeared at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner, during which he saved time to pull a few jabs at the 'Celebrity Apprentice' host, who for weeks had demanded to see the certificate.