Texas Company Is Going to Pay You to Nap Throughout the Day
Finally, a job I am actually qualified for.
Mattress Firm is looking for what they're calling 'Snoozeterns'. Basically, you will be testing out all the newest and top-rated beds in the company’s headquarters located in the Houston area. This is a paid internship, so you will be getting paid to sleep. That's not it though. You will need to create written and video reviews for the company's website.
The paid internship requires a commitment of at least 20 hours a week and is based in the Mattress Firm “BEDquarters” in Houston. However, interns will have a chance to visit nearby locations. If you're interested, you can apply here. You must be 18 years or older, nap any time of the day and be able to edit using video software. The application deadline is July 23rd and interns must be ready to start on August 15th.
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