Texas Teen Assaulted for Wearing a M.A.G.A. Hat at Whataburger
Texas is definitely a red state, but this dude saw red as soon as he saw this teen wearing Donald Trump's famous hat.
This past Tuesday, Hunter Richard was enjoying some Whataburger at a location in San Antonio. He says a gentleman started arguing with him because he was wearing a 'Make America Great Again' hat while eating. Hunter pulled out his cell phone to film what was happening and at that moment, this guy grabbed his drink and dumped it on him.
The guy also ripped Hunter's hat off taking it with him. Hunter claims he pulled some of his hair out when this guy took his hat. Police have been looking for this guy for several days and have identified him. His name has not been released at the time of this posting. A bar in San Antonio called 'Rumble' says this man is a part-time employee at their bar and he was terminated immediately, according to KABB.
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