Wichita Falls Bond Election Results: 6 of 7 Propositions Fail
Today, Saturday, May 5th is municipal election day in Wichita Falls. The polls close at 7:00 p.m. tonight and the election results for the seven Wichita Falls city bond proposals will be posted below as they are released, likely around 8:30 p.m.
Proposition A: Park & Trail Improvements
FOR: 4,884
AGAINST: 6,432
Proposition B: Lake Wichita Shoreline Improvements
FOR: 4,995
AGAINST: 6,323
Proposition C: Street Improvements
FOR: 5,885
AGAINST: 5,456
Proposition D: Downtown-Area City Municipal Complex
FOR: 2,825
AGAINST: 8,495
Proposition E: MPEC Facility Improvements
FOR: 3,646
AGAINST: 7,650
Proposition F: Memorial Auditorium Facility Improvements
FOR: 4,805
AGAINST: 6,512
Proposition G: Downtown Streetscapes and Other Improvements
FOR: 4,557
AGAINST: 6,753
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