City of Burkburnett Warns of High Nitrate Levels in Water
The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality has found the drinking water in Burkburnett to be in excess of the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate.
The MCL for nitrate is 10 milligrams per liter, as established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. A sample of the drinking water collected in the second quarter of 2020 was found to be 10.9 milligrams per liter.
Infants younger than six months old should not consume water in excess of the MCL. Infants who drink the water could become seriously ill, experiencing symptoms such as shortness of breath or blue baby syndrome, which could be lethal if left untreated. It’s important to note that boiling water WILL NOT remove nitrates.
Children younger than six months old must drink from an alternative water supply until the City of Burkburnett rescinds the notice. If you have to purchase an alternative supply, simply take your receipt to City Hall at 501 Sheppard Road to be reimbursed.
Most people won’t need to resort to an alternative water supply, but anyone who has health concerns is encouraged to consult with their health care provider for information on how it will affect them. It’s not currently known as to how the water will affect the fetuses of pregnant women.
According to a statement, the City is taking the following actions to resolve the issue:
The City of Burkburnett currently operates an ion exchange water treatment plant, which is designed to lower the level of nitrate in our public drinking water. The City of Burkburnett monitors the level of nitrate daily while TCEQ monitors the level quarterly. The City of Burkburnett is committed to producing the highest quality of drinking water.
For questions, contact Mike Whaley at 940-569-2263.