Got Blood? The Facts About Blood Donation
The holidays are vastly approaching. Why not give the gift of life this year and donate a pint of blood.
Every two seconds someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion, according to the American Red Cross. In 2006, 5 million people in the United States received blood transfusions.
The human body relies on blood to transports oxygen and nutrients to the organs of the body. Blood donors become lifesavers for individuals who have lost large amounts of blood or their blood becomes unhealthy and needs to be replaced.
Many individuals involved in accidents, needing transfusions, and those inflicted with blood cancers are among the patients that rely on blood donations to survive everyday. Currently only three out of every 100 people in America donate blood, according to the American Red Cross.
All potential blood donors must be healthy, at least 17 years old, and weigh at least 110 pounds. Additional requirements will be discussed with donors at the time of donation. Everyone receives a basic examination to check temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and hemoglobin levels.
Information regarding upcoming blood drives in the Texoma area can be found at the Texas Blood Institute website, including frequently asked questions and life saving stories.
Texas Blood Institute is the sole blood and platelet collection organization and supplier in north Texas. Local donors can give life-saving blood for those in our community. It is affiliated with Oklahoma Blood Institute, the nation’s ninth largest independent, non profit blood center.
Texas Blood Institute provides blood to eight different hospitals in the north central Texas counties of Baylor, Wichita, Clay, Hardeman and Wilbarger.
Hospitals that rely on donors with Texas Blood Institute to meet their patients’ needs include:
- Kell West Regional Hospital, Wichita Falls
- Electra Memorial Hospital
- Wilbarger General Hospital, Vernon
- United Regional, Wichita Falls
- Hardeman County Memorial Hospital, Quanah
- Clay County Memorial Hospital, Henrietta
- Seymour Hospital
Often during blood drives large trucks are on site where volunteers are asked to lie down in recliners to have their blood drawn by health care professionals. If you would like to host a blood drive in your area, visit the Texas Blood Institute to make a difference this holiday season.