Horse Show Cancelled Due To EHV-1 Concerns
Due to veterinarians concerns about the spread of EHV-1 officials have decided to cancel the MAY 21 Pinto and All-Breed Horse Show at the J.S. Bridwell Ag. Center. No reports have yet been officially received of EHV-1 in Texas Horses, but several of the larger vet clinics in Abilene and Weatherford have reportedly been quarantining their facilities with possible cases of EHV-1. According to Texas A & M Agrilife Extension “any horse that develops a high fever (>38.8C[102F]) that cannot be explained by another disorder should be suspected of having developed equine influenza, equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) infection, equine herpesvirus-4 (EHV-4) infection, equine viral arteritis (EVA) or some other viral respiratory tract disease, and isolations to a separate airspace should be considered.”