High Speed Chase Ends in Arrest Near WaltersHigh Speed Chase Ends in Arrest Near WaltersThe chase reached speeds up to 80 mph down I-44Mike HendrenMike Hendren
Severe Weather May Impact Wichita Falls Area This Afternoon; MSU Campus to Close EarlySevere Weather May Impact Wichita Falls Area This Afternoon; MSU Campus to Close EarlyHeavy thunderstorms are expected to move into North Texas and Southern Oklahoma later today and many extend into early morning Wednesday.Mike HendrenMike Hendren
Man Suspected in Nail Attacks Against Media and Police Arrested in Wichita FallsMan Suspected in Nail Attacks Against Media and Police Arrested in Wichita FallsDeputies arrested a 53 year-old man in connection with a series of 'nail attacks' over the last several monthsMike HendrenMike Hendren
Wichita Falls Media Outlets Nailed by VandalWichita Falls Media Outlets Nailed by VandalThree Wichita Falls media outlets were attacked by a vandal over the past week.Mike HendrenMike Hendren
Former KAUZ Reporter’s Infertility Announcements Go ViralFormer KAUZ Reporter’s Infertility Announcements Go ViralFormer KAUZ reporter Spencer Blake and his wife Whitney's humorous take on their struggles with infertility has gone viral and gained international attention.Tony KernsTony Kerns
Joe Tom White Leaves the Radio Mic After 50 + YearsJoe Tom White Leaves the Radio Mic After 50 + YearsA veteran Texoma radio broadcaster decides it's time to sign offMike HendrenMike Hendren
Legendary Local Restaurant Closes for GoodLegendary Local Restaurant Closes for GoodStanley's BBQ calling it quits after 45 yearsMike HendrenMike Hendren