Faster than a speeding toddler, more powerful than a terrible tantrum, able to leap towering piles of laundry in a single bound!

Yes, we have been searching for Texoma's Supermom - a woman with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Supermom - defender of her children, champion of homework, valiant, courageous fighter against the forces of skinned knees and fevers, who disguised as an everyday woman, fights a never-ending battle to pee without someone pounding on the bathroom door.

After reading through the hundreds of amazing stories of the marvels of motherhood, we have come to the conclusion that there is no shortage of remarkable moms in Texoma. With so many entries, each very heartwarming in their own way, it was difficult to choose only five, but alas, the rewards we have are limited so narrow it down we must.

Without further ado, here are your top 5 Texoma Supermoms and their touching tales:

1. Meagan Kirk

Grand Prize: 5-Day caribbean cruise | Nominated by Elizabeth Guth

Meagan Kirk - Texoma's Supermom
Meagan Kirk - Texoma's Supermom grand prize winner

While there were no experimental super soldier programs or a fateful spider bite, my superhero has to be the TOP Superhero Mom in all of Texoma!

Straight from the pages of a script for the next reality tv show…I welcome you to the home and lives of the Kirk Family. In the home (at this point) you will find 6 rambunctious boys, an ever-so-busy father and the glue that holds it all together…Meagan.

Meagan is a God-fearing woman who gives her whole heart to anything and everything she does. She loves her family with every bone in her body and still finds time to love and enjoy her friends. She never takes a moment to think of herself because her loved ones are her top priority.

Since 2011, Meagan and her husband have welcome in and loved 32 foster children. They have adopted 4 of them so far and love one as their own (now that he’s an adult).

The latest adoption, just a few months ago, was of the most precious little man. He has been battling for his life from a very young age due to a very unfortunate incident. Meagan and her husband jumped at the chance to take this miracle in and have cared for him through some of the scariest medical emergencies. His life is an unwritten story at this point but they welcomed him into their family and have given him his forever home!

The other children all have their own special stories, making life unpredictable but amazing at the same time. If you asked her if she would change any of it, she’d tell you ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Meagan and her husband are the most amazing duo. Jeremy is a high school coach for the basketball, football and baseball teams. Meagan not only supports her husband whole-heartedly but is on the sidelines for EVERY game that she can possibly make. Children in tow, dressed in Iowa Park green, Meagan is there not only as the Coach’s Wife but also to cheer on every single child on the team!

On top of the Coach’s schedule, Meagan has to juggle all of her kids’ schedules. This includes doctor’s appointments at Cook Children’s Hospital, baseball practices/games, school, etc. She is the calendar keeper for everyone in the family and still manages to schedule and maintain a 7 nurse schedule for their youngest.

I’m not done…I swear…this is all real…

Every November/December, Meagan assists in a large Foster Care Christmas Event. She tasks herself with 100+ children in the foster system and ensures that their Christmas is everything they could want. Meagan requests donors for weeks, provides them with wish lists from these wonderful children and then collects their donated gifts. She wraps and delivers these gifts to a Christmas Party just for these children. Heart of gold, I tell ya…

And if that wasn’t enough to keep her busy, Meagan began a whole new journey two years ago. Called to share her life and love, Meagan began work as a foreign exchange coordinator. Currently, the Kirk’s have one student in their home and as with anyone living under their roof, he is family! Meagan not only cares for him as one of her own but she is in constant contact with her host families and her exchange students. All she wants for her students is for them to enjoy this amazing country!

While I could continue for days with how this one woman is changing the world one child at a time, I will end with this.

Your Texoma Super Mom is Meagan Kirk. Super Mom with the most important Super Power ever…Endless Love.

Please help me show her how important she is to everyone who has had the pleasure to meet her. Help me show her how amazing she really is!

2. Betty Gabel

1st Prize: $100 flower arrangement + $50 McBride's Steakhouse | Nominated by Gary Gabel

Betty Gabel - Texoma's Supermom
Betty Gabel - Texoma's Supermom first prize winner


Bionic Hearing - Has the ability to hear anything going on in the entire house.

BS Detector - Knows exactly when the kids are trying to get over on her.

Death Stare - Ability to stop you dead in your tracks just by looking at you.

Multitasker/Juggler - Can juggle multiple tasks all day long and still have time for her husband.

Laundry Magician - Keeps clean laundry for 5 people daily.

Sick Sense - Always knows when kids and grandkids are sick and takes care of them even though she is sick herself.

Hug/kiss Healer - Can cure all of grandkids ailments with a hug and kiss.

Mystic Caretaker - Takes care of a family of 5 and 2 grandchildren and guest and her 4 month old baby living with us. Also takes care of her sick mom and my sick mom both who live on their own. Along with our 4 dogs and 6 cats. I would also like to note that my wife is also very sick from complications from lupus. Somehow she manages to get the job done.

Infinite Energy - After spending the day taking care of everybody still finds energy to clean the house and cook dinner.

Spider Eyes - Has eyes all over her head like a spider, sees everything.

Tickle Power - Can put a smile on grandchildren’s face by tickling them.

Tremendous Listener - Spends endless hours listening to her daughter’s daily problems of the day.

Super Selfless - Always puts her family’s needs first.

Flexibility - When our granddaughter wouldn’t sleep in the playpen she would get in it with her and lay with her until she fell asleep.

Heart of an Angel - Always thinking of others. Took in a homeless girl and her 4 month old baby when they had no place to go even though we already have 2 daughters living at home and 2 grandchildren.

Super Wife - No matter how tired she is she always has time for her husband. She is my love, my best friend and my Angel.

Multiplicity - Does so much there has to be more than one of her.

3. Jennifer Allison

2nd Prize: $50 McBride's Steakhouse gift certificate | Nominated by Hayden Allison

Jennifer Allison - Texoma's Supermom
Jennifer Allison - Texoma's Supermom second prize winner

My mom is definitely a super hero. She is raising 4 kids as a single mom, with absolutely no help from our dad. My mom was a stay at home mom until her and my dad divorced, and she got a job in order to support all of us. She got us a pretty nice apartment all by herself, and somehow made sure that we all had everything we needed, even though I know she doesn't make a lot of money. After we lived there for about a year, she somehow managed to move us into a nice house, in a good neighborhood. I know she was happy in the apartment,  but she wanted better for us kids. To my mom, we always come first. I'm not sure how she does it, but she manages to work full time and pay all the bills, and also manages to make it to most of my baseball games and practices, as well as my sister volleyball games and practices. She must have superpowers. Every morning she gets 4 kids ready for school and dropped off, goes to work, picks us up after school, gets us all fed and shuffles everyone around to games, practices, programs and everything else. Even with all of that going on, she still finds time to do our laundry, and make sure the house is clean, and it gets pretty dirty with 4 kids! All of that is just the tip of the iceberg with my mom. She also somehow, magically makes time to help the community with charity rides and other benefit type events. The events that she is in charge of organizing are always very successful and she is able to raise a lot of money and has helped a lot of people. She really deserves to win this contest. She is the hardest working person I have ever met, and she makes it look easy. My mom is my hero, and even though sometimes I don't show her enough, I really hope I can grow up to be half as strong as she is. Not all heroes wear capes, mine wears jeans and a t-shirt.

4. Sarah Ostermann

2nd Prize: $50 McBride's Steakhouse gift certificate | Nominated by Lance Ostermann

Sarah Ostermann - Texoma's Supermom
Sarah Ostermann - Texoma's Supermom second prize winner

What superhero powers does our mom have? A superhero is defined as a hero possessing extraordinary, often magical powers. Our mom doesn't have magical powers, unfortunately. However, our mom does have extraordinary powers. It might be easier to answer which ones she doesn't have (psst... it's a very small list). Even with that, I don't know if Superhero would classify her (will explain that later). Our mom, from us waking up way too early to tucking and laying with us in bed, is a non-stop mom that sacrifices many things to make sure we are taken care of. Some of the many examples: doing her makeup with a baby(now toddler) in her lap grabbing everything; getting dressed up nice for work only to notice snot, drool, and boogers all over her clothes (that's every day!); going home on her lunch break just to do our laundry; having her calendar filled with dr visits, practices, games, school activists, etc. with very little time for herself; providing us with a homemade dinner every night (she never gets to eat it while it's warm because she's having to feed the littlest one); and finally prepping after we are all fast asleep to do it all over again. Her life is consumed with ensuring that we grow up loved, safe, happy, and healthy. Even though she does fit the definition of a superhero with powers, she is just mom. Nothing special, just someone that makes us special.

5. Sharon Barry

2nd Prize: $50 McBride's Steakhouse gift certificate | Nominated by Brandon Barry

Sharon Barry - Texoma's Supermom
Sharon Barry - Texoma's Supermom second prize winner

My mother's superpowers are limitless, but the main ones would have to be flexibility. (Like stretch armstrong) She works 40+ hours as a nurse caring for other people's loved ones, and then goes home and helps 3 beautiful children with whatever they need for the day. Due to my sister having her own demons she is currently dealing with, my mother has sacrificed the role of "grandmother"(or nana as all the kiddos call her), and has again donned the mantle of mother, (after raising 4 children of her own) after gaining some custody of my sister's three children, so that they may have a safe, clean, and happy home. She fought tooth and nail and sacrificed her own sanity to take in her grandchildren, not because it was easy, but because it was the right thing to do. One of the children is special needs, and my mother understands that she must approach things in a different way with her, and she has never made the children feel any different. My mother is a super mom because she has always cared for others more than herself. The amount of love she shows her family, and her residents at work is how she is a superhero. She stretches beyond human ability, and comes back out fighting.


Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the contest. Every single mother we read about is deserving of the title of Supermom. Happy Mother's Day, Texoma!


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