Rep. Jodey Arrington to Introduce Federal Abortion Ban Modeled After Texas Law

If you thought Republicans had done all they can do on the issue of pro-life legislation, Congressman Jodey Arrington is sending the message that there's still work to do to protect life.
Rep. Arrington, who represents the 19th Congressional District, announced this week that he's working to introduce legislation that would introduce a federal ban on abortion, and that the legislation is modeled after the Texas law passed by the state legislature in 2021.
According to KAMC, Arrington said that he supports the Supreme Court's decision, but also believed part of his job is to protect "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens":
“I’d like that to be the law of the land,” Arrington said. “That would be the ideal for me, but I also understand and respect and support the decision the Supreme Court made.”
Arrington also said he supports defining life as beginning at conception.
“I have strong feelings that my constitutional obligation and sacred duty is to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens,” he said. “I believe that all citizens means born and unborn, and that life begins at conception.”
It's unclear if Arrington will wait to introduce such legislation until after the midterm elections or if he will want to introduce the legislation as soon as possible. With the U.S. Senate up for control in 2022, Republicans could gain control of the chamber. Rep. Arrington would also need the president to sign the legislation into law, and it's doubtful that President Joe Biden would do so.
Texas law will ban all abortions unless the life of the mother is at stake.
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