Automotive recalls seemed to be a rare occurrence years ago. In the last ten to fifteen years, it seems automotive companies are issuing recall alerts for various brands and model years every other month or so.

Some of the recalls that are issued are cosmetic in nature, and others actually impact the performance of the vehicle. You must pay attention to this recall because it involves how the brake system functions.

The dysfunction, as explained by an article in USA Today, shows that the brake hoses could deteriorate and break. At that point, it can make the brakes not work as well when you hit the pedal.

Consumer Reports says drivers may notice a change in the feel of the brake pedal when your driving. You also may see a sensor behind the steering column. Either way, if this happens to the hoses, your car's braking system may not work the way it should leaving you vulnerable to a crash.

The recall is for 2013-2018 Ford Fusion and Lincoln MKZ sedans.

What Can You Do to Find out About Getting The Recall Done?

You can log onto the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration by clicking here. If you prefer to talk to someone, you can call their hotline at 888-327-4236. Be sure to have your vehicle identification number (VIN number) handy. This identifies your vehicle.

Letters about the recall will be sent out to all customers who own Lincoln MKZ sedans and Ford Fusion vehicles that are part of the recall. The letters will start being sent to these customers starting on April 17.

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