Kemp Center Hosting Sculpture Garden Reception This Saturday
The temperatures are warming up, local businesses and restaurants are reopening, it's time to get out and enjoy some of the special events going on in Wichita Falls.
The Kemp Center For The Arts is holding the 2020 Sculpture Garden Opening Reception this Saturday from 6:30 until 9:30 p.m.
These are very casual come-as-you-are affairs and there is no charge to attend. Don't worry if you don't understand what the art is supposed to mean, even the Kemp Center people have to ask every now and then, and that's the beauty of events like this, the artist is right there to explain it to you.
This year’s event features 10 artists from around the country with artwork that has been juried by Texas sculptor Susan Budge and installed by local sculptor Joe Barrington.
This is the 16th Annual Sculpture Garden Opening Reception at the Kemp Center and will run from 6:30 to 9:30 Saturday evening.
You'll have the opportunity to meet the artists and the juror, enjoy the artwork in the outdoor exhibit and relax with appetizers and music as you browse the newly installed sculptures in the shaded garden area surrounding the Kemp Center. Be sure to bring your camera or phone because there will be plenty of photo ops while you're there!
While the Kemp Center For The Arts building will be open during the reception this is an outdoor event. Face masks are welcomed but not required, so you are free to do whatever makes you the most comfortable in this kind of environment.
The Kemp Center For The Arts is located at 1300 Lamar, directly across the street from the Times Record News. Don't worry if you can't make it downtown for the opening reception this weekend, the artwork will be on display for the next 12 months or so until they change it out for next year's display and reception. The Kemp Center For The Arts also hosts regular art classes for children and adults and has several pieces on display inside. The center is open from 9 to 5 weekdays, and from 10 to 4 on Saturdays.