You might want to make the most of this fake spring while it lasts. 

Everyone who has lived in Texas will tell you the weather here is wildly unpredictable. Don’t get me wrong – the forecasts have been incredibly accurate in recent years, it’s just that you never know what the weather will be like this time of year.

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Unlike June through mid-September when it’s guaranteed to be hotter than Satan’s breath outside, it’s a total crapshoot the rest of the year. In February, it might be 5 degrees outside, or we could see highs in the 80s like today. 

While I would rather it not be 110 degrees outside, I’ll take extreme heat over extreme cold every day. I’m a very cold-natured person, so I’m miserable when we have below-freezing temperatures for extended periods of time. 

And it appears as though I’ll be miserable next week.

According to the National Weather Service in Norman, Oklahoma, temperatures will most likely be below average in North Texas for the week of February 10 - 16. During that same time frame, precipitation chances are likely above normal as of this posting.

NWS Norman via X
NWS Norman via X
NWS Norman via X
NWS Norman via X

So yes, there is a very good chance of ice and snow around Valentine’s Day in our neck of the woods this year.

NEXT: You Won't Believe These Weird Texas Town Names

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