gas prices

Travel-less Summer
Travel-less Summer
Travel-less Summer
It's been a part of American culture for as long as many of us can remember: summer vacation.  Schools out, mom and dad and kids hit the road and go somewhere, anywhere for a week or two.  Lots of people will do so this year in spite of the gas prices...
Summer Travel Just Isn’t On The Radar This Year
Summer Travel Just Isn’t On The Radar This Year
Summer Travel Just Isn’t On The Radar This Year
Most everyone I've talked to says the same thing; no road trips this summer.  The gas prices are taking a bite out of all of us to one extent or another.  And I don't know any families that can or will travel in a Prius.  Food prices are up, clothes are up, everything is up because fuel is up...
Gas Prices On The Rise.  You Hurtin’ Yet?
Gas Prices On The Rise. You Hurtin’ Yet?
Gas Prices On The Rise. You Hurtin’ Yet?
If I had a nickel for every p&m session I've been through with people over the price of gas and diesel, I could fuel up my truck for a year.  Everybody is mad about it.  Nobody has a clue what to do about it.  And still I find plenty of 'why doesn't Obama do something about it' being flung about.  ...
Gas Prices And Blood Pressure Hitting Fresh Highs
Gas Prices And Blood Pressure Hitting Fresh Highs
Gas Prices And Blood Pressure Hitting Fresh Highs
18 cents in less than one full day.  That's how much the gas at the United on Old Iowa Park Road jumped.  $3.61 Sunday evening, $3.79 on Monday evening.  Wichita Falls is all over the map: $3. 63...$3.75....$3.53...$3.79 We can't catch a break...