I don't know what this lady is talking about, but she did not want to fly with this guy.

Keep Scrolling to Check Out the Strange Video

Either this woman is living the plot of a horror movie OR she is on some really good drugs. Either way, some folks had to wait to take off this week as she exited the plane. The video was originally posted by Tik Tok user texaskansasnnn, but has since been removed. Don't worry, it has been captured by others at this point.

Details Released So Far On The Incident

Apparently this flight was taking off out of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and going to Orlando. Before takeoff, this woman apparently complained about some individual on the plane and demanded they be removed. Obviously, the person was not going to be removed because they had not done anything. Instead of just dealing with it, she got off the plane.

Profanity Laced Tirade

Before getting off the plane, she tries to warn passengers about the 'strange' man on board.

"I’m telling you, I’m getting the f*** off and there’s a reason why I’m getting the f*** off and everyone can either believe it or they can not believe it."


"I don’t give two f–ks, but I am telling you right now – that motherf***er back there is not real.

At this point, literally the entire plan turns around to see this not real man. Still not sure which person she is talking about, but she gets off the plane.

"You can sit on this plane and you can die with them or not. I’m not going to."

It is unsure if the woman was arrested after returning to the gate, but American Airlines released the following statement on the incident.

"The flight was met at the gate by local law enforcement and the customer was removed from the flight," the spokesperson said. "We thank our customers for their understanding and our team members for their professionalism in managing a difficult situation."

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