If We Lose The 2nd Amendment, We Lose America Forever
The left is now in full gun confiscation mode. Actually, they’ve been there for quite some time, they’ve just been lying about it. Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick here in Texas are moving towards expanded background checks and possibly a Red Flag law. None of what is being proposed will stop bad people from committing evil acts. You cannot and will not legislate these things out of existence and they know it.
What we must do is demand that these elected leaders keep their hands off of the very amendment in the Bill of Rights that is designed to restrain government-the Second Amendment. It is the amendment that gives the other nine in the Bill of Rights their teeth, after all. What part of ‘shall not be infringed’ do they not understand? They are acting on one of two fronts: emotion or power. The Second Amendment gives the people of the United States a unique place in human history; a people sufficiently armed to defend against tyranny from without and from within.
The only reason for the government to ever desire to curtail your Second Amendment rights on any level is power. Disarming a society does nothing to make that society safer. What it does is set the stage for government, should truly tyrannical powers take control, to rule the people with violence and coercion. North Korea is a prime example of what a totalitarian communist regime can do to people. The North Korean people live in fear of their leader. They are unarmed and forced to submit to the will of the state. Failure to do so can result in imprisonment (don’t even consider due process) and possibly even execution.
The idea that any such leadership could ever take hold in America seems preposterous to many. But the fact is, one of the reasons that our republic has held together for so long is that we, the people, make up the largest standing army on the planet. There are an estimated 330 million or more firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens in this country. We are well armed and our government knows this and, at least until recently, seemed to respect that fact, or at least pretended to do so. This past week, Robert Francis ‘Beto’ O’Rourke said during the most recent Democrat candidate debate yes, we will take your AR-15, your AK-47.
Actually, Beto, you won’t. The idea that a ‘majority’ of American’s want gun confiscation is an outright lie. I don’t care what any polls say. Polls are all too easy to manipulate. You ask the right questions of selected people to elicit that response you seek. And with the billions of pieces of data we’re able to collect on millions of potential poll respondents today, it’s just too easy to find the right people to poll and predict exactly what they will say. Polls are damn near meaningless. And as for the so-called gun ‘buy back’ idea-how stupid do you think we are? You cannot ‘buy back’ that which you did not sell. It’s gun confiscation via a bribe. We’re not all as stupid as some politicians think we are.
The Red Flag laws are entirely different angle. Red Flag laws are merely sanctioned confiscation with a court order in hand. The Founder’s would spin in their graves if they knew such was even being considered. You do not have to have committed a criminal act to be subjected to a Red Flag confiscation. All that is necessary, as the laws are currently written in several states, is for a relative or spouse to make an outcry to law enforcement that you might be a danger to yourself or others. Then, a judge can issue an order of confiscation based solely on that info.
As I have stated many times before, we don’t have a gun problem in America, we have a heart and a soul problem. Are there mental health issues that need to be addressed? Absolutely! But you cannot and will not address such issues by disarming people. So-called gun control measures do nothing to address mental health issues. Stop trying to argue that they do. It just makes you look foolish. Reach out to your congressman, your senators, both at the state and federal level, and tell them no. Say no to red flag laws, say no to gun ‘buy backs’ and say no to any infringement on the Second Amendment. Start calling, start writing letters (it happens so infrequently now, it really gets their attention) and reach out by fax and email. Be relentless. These methods are your voice. Use them. If we let up, the foot in the door will lead to a full-on confiscation. It’s no longer tin foil hat conspiracy. This is happening and only we can stop it.
Contact info:
Congressman Mac Thornberry (13th Congressional District)
Amarillo office
620 South Taylor Street, Suite 200
Amarillo, 79101-3541
phone (806) 371-8844
fax (806) 371-7044
Office Hours: 8:30 to 5:30 (CST)
Wichita Falls office
2525 Kell Blvd.
Suite 406
Wichita Falls, TX 76308-2829
Phone (940)692-1700
Fax (940)692-0539
Office hours: 8:30 to 5:530 (CST)
Washington, D.C. office
2208 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-4313
Phone (202)225-3706
Fax (202)225-3486
Office hours 9 to 6 (EST)
Central Texas (512) 916-5834 300 E 8th Suite 961 Austin, TX 78701 North Texas (214) 599-8749 Lee Park Tower II 3626 N. Hall St. Suite 410 Dallas, TX 75219 |
Southeast Texas (713) 718-3057 The Mickey Leland Federal Building 1919 Smith St. Suite 9047 Houston, TX 77002 South Texas (956) 686-7339 200 S. 10th St Suite 1603 McAllen, TX 78501 Washington, D.C. (202) 224-5922 Russell Senate Office Bldg 127A Washington, DC 20510 |
Washington, D.C. office
517 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
Main: 202-224-2934
Southeast Texas
5300 Memorial Drive Suite 980
Houston, TX 77007
Main: 713-572-3337
Fax: 713-572-3777
South Texas
222 East Van Buren
Suite 404
Harlingen, TX 78550
Main: 956-423-0162
Fax: 956-423-0193
West Texas
Wells Fargo Center
1500 Broadway, Suite 1230
Lubbock, TX 79401
Main: 806-472-7533
Fax: 806-472-7536
South Central Texas
600 Navarro
Suite 210
San Antonio, TX 78205
Main: 210-224-7485
Fax: 210-224-8569
Central Texas
Chase Tower
221 West Sixth Street
Suite 1530
Austin, TX 78701
Main: 512-469-6034
Fax: 512-469-6020
East Texas
Regions Bank Building
100 E. Ferguson Street, Suite 1004
Tyler, TX 75702
Main: 903-593-0902
Fax: 903-593-0920
North Texas
5001 Spring Valley Road
Suite 1125 E
Dallas, TX 75244
Main: 972-239-1310
Fax: 972-239-2110
Texas State Representative James Frank (69th House District)
Capitol Address:
Room E2.604
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
phone (512) 463-0534
fax (512) 463-8161
District Address:
1206 Hatton Road
Wichita Falls, TX 76302
phone (940) 767-1700
Texas State Senator Pat Fallon (30th Senate District)
District Offices
Grayson County District Office
100 W. Houston Street
Suite #3, 2nd Floor
Sherman, TX 75090
phone (903) 813-0255
Parker County District Office
5177 E. Interstate 20 Service Road N
Suite 117
Willow Park, TX 76087
phone (817) 441-1436
Denton County District Office
3305 Mayhill Rd. Ste. 125
Denton, TX 76208
phone (940) 320-6792
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