Oklahoma Passes Second Amendment Sanctuary State Act
The Oklahoma House of Representatives just passed Senate Bill (SB 631) the "Second Amendment Sanctuary Act" yesterday afternoon (04-20-21). Across the country more and more states are introducing legislation to uphold the 2nd Amendment and refuse any additional gun control measures from Federal, state, county and even local governments. This would mean that the state of Oklahoma wouldn't adhere to, or enforce, any new gun control measures such as bans, buy backs, capacity limits or other restrictions that may be introduced in the future. This would include both legislation as well as executive orders.
(SB 631) will now head to Governor Kevin Stitt's desk for final approval and signature. Chances are better than good that the Governor will sign it and Oklahoma will join the ever growing list of states who have proclaimed themselves as Second Amendment Sanctuaries and have passed similar legislation. There was a rally yesterday (04-20-21) at the state capitol as pro Second Amendment supporters gathered to celebrate and show their appreciation to our state lawmakers for passing the bill. (SB 631) is just one of many bills Oklahoma legislators are working on to protect and uphold the citizen's right to keep and bear arms. There's lot of misinformation about the new bill and what it does. Here's a quick look at what SB 631 says:
SECTION 2 (A) "The State Legislature hereby occupies and preempts the entire field of legislation by the federal government, any agency of this state or any political subdivision in this state to infringe upon the rights of a citizen of the State of Oklahoma,the unalienable right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed to them by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution."
SECTION 2 (B) Any federal, state, county or municipal act, law, executive order, administrative order, court order, rule, policy or regulation ordering the buy-back, confiscation or surrender of firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition from law-abiding citizens of this state shall be considered an infringement on the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and Article II, Section 26 of the Constitution of Oklahoma."
If you'd like to review the bill yourself and get more information click here to read Senate Bill 631 in it's entirety. I think we're all wondering and asking the same question. "Could this be used as a legitimate means to completely ignore possible future Federal gun control laws and orders within the state?" Some say it's not possible and that this bill is just grandstanding and "look at me" legislation. Introduced to gain popularity and bonus points for re-elections. Others say it's completely possible and would hold up in court. I guess we'll see. Either way it sends a clear message that the Sooner State remains Pro 2-A!
There have already been talks at the Federal level of new gun control measures that could include: weapon bans, buy backs, capacity limits on magazines, limits on gun purchasing, gun registration and more. Also President Biden has already started issuing executive orders on gun control. So far he's introduced 6 orders, but it's looking as if he'll sign even more. Which is why Oklahoma is working on becoming a 2nd Amendment sanctuary state. So what do you think about all this? Take the quick poll and let us know:
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