Lawton Named One of America’s Fastest Shrinking Cities
Another list that Lawton does not want to be on.
Seriously, which one of you in Lawton pissed somebody off at the website 24/7 Wall Street? Seems like every negative list, they're ready to put Lawton on it. They have Lawton as one of the drunkest cities in the country and also one of the most obese cities in the country.
Another list you can add Lawton to is the fastest shrinking cities list, coming once again from 24/7 Wall Street. Lawton came in at number 21 for the whole country. The tabulated statistics from 2010 through 2017. In that time period, the population decreased 3.2%, 131,579 to 127,349 people. Looks like the biggest percentage of people leaving was from July 2015-July 2016. 2,169 left the area to go somewhere else.
Sorry, Lawton. I don't make the list, so don't complain to me.
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