Some Wichita Falls Area Classrooms Adopting No-Homework Policies
Last week, the news of a new homework policy that one teacher had implemented in North Texas went viral. Across the nation, people were debating the good and bad sides of Brandy Young's decision to not assign any homework to her second grade class at Godley Elementary. Instead, Young wanted them to spend time at home being with their families and only work on school work that couldn't be completed during the day.
It would appear that the idea caught on with other teachers and some parents right here in Texoma have been seeing similar notes coming home with their kids. The image at the top, taken from a posting on a Wichita Falls Facebook group page, was sent home with a second grade student at Milam Elementary in Wichita Falls.
There's also been reports of similar notes from teachers at Burgess Elementary and Cunningham Elementary in Wichita Falls as well as , I. C. Evans Elementary in Burkburnett.
These policies aren't on a district wide basis and it seems that it's all dependent on individual teachers choices. While the note above came from a second grader classroom, another parent of a second grader said that her child's teacher didn't have this policy.
Only time will tell if this new policy will work better for students. Some parents seem to be embracing the idea and some are not fans, fearing that they aren't going to be able to help their kids and know what they are learning.