Woman Wins Lottery With Fortune Cookie Numbers
We've all seen the "Lucky Numbers" on the back of furtune cookies, but have you ever thought to actually play those numbers in the lottery?
That's exactly what a woman in San Jose, California did, and now she's $400,000 richer. Merces Goncalves used her fortune cookie numbers in the March 4th drawing of the California Lottery Mega Millions. She matched five of six winning numbers for a total win of matched five of $421.811.
She picked the five winning numbers,10, 29, 31, 35 and 45, from the numbers on her fortune. The Mega winning number was 10 and if she had gotten that one, she would have won $240 million. She is still perfectly pleased with her win though. She told ABC 7 in San Francisco that her and her husband will take the honeymoon trip they couldn't afford when they got married 52 years ago.
Moral of the story, maybe we should pay a little more attention to those "Lucky Numbers" next time we eat Chinese food.