Time to talk about my favorite thing in Wichita Falls code enforcement.

So it looks like a downtown business was trying to get some attention to folks walking by. They wanted to have something that caught your eye and the owner of Gigi's Closet wanted to paint the sidewalk in front of her building. So she reached out to the owner of the building and he did not have a problem with it. He said, if the city is cool with it, he's fine with it.

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Owner Geneva Guerra wasn't actually sure who to contact in Wichita Falls. She eventually got a hold of a Street Division Superintendent with the city of Wichita Falls. He gave her permission and she paid for an artist to come do the work.



It's pink, has a handbag, queen of hearts symbol from a card, some jeans, and says "Hey Beautiful Come on In". In my opinion, nothing wrong with it whatsoever. Well now Geneva is being told it must be removed, why? It's too bright. WHAT?! Apparently this Superintendent gave her permission to something he should not have. How is this the business owner's fault Wichita Falls?

Someone with this city of Wichita Falls who is in charge of property management is saying they have been getting complaints that it is "too bright how could the city approve this?"

Really Wichita Falls citizen, a painted sidewalk is making you lose your mind? Actually, it looks like this complainer and the city agree, apparently they would never approve of this because it is too bright.


Really Wichita Falls, this sidewalk is out of line? Are you kidding me?! I wish every business did something like this outside their store. Gets some local artists some work and brightens up the city. Nah, Wichita Falls, keep downtown bleak and boring.

It looks like Geneva will now be out the cost of getting the art done and now having to get it power washed off. Sad day where someone goes through the right channels to get something done and they end up having to eat the cost.

So thanks again code enforcement of Wichita Falls, just another reason why you made my ten things I hate about Wichita Falls list. Check it out below and also go support Gigi's Closet at 620 Scott Avenue downtown. Maybe go snap a pic with the sidewalk before it's gone.

Ten Things I Hate About Wichita Falls

No jokes here. Legit stuff that pisses me off about our city. Let me know what I missed or if you disagree.

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