VECTORED: Very Good Artists Open Gallery in Wichita Falls, TX
There's a really cool art exhibit going on right now at 9th Street studios which features the work of a group of artists out of Abilene called Very Good Artists.

This exhibit is called Vectored, and it features paintings and sculptures. There's even an interactive multimedia multi-screen experience in that you sit on the couch and take it in and it's really really cool. Before the gallery officially opened, Artists Larla Morales, Alex Russell, and Vic Thibault gave an artist talk where they shared insights about their collective, their processes, and their artwork.
Check out some of the views, then go take a look at the exhibit in person.
Is that something hatching from an egg?
Look at all this neat stuff! I wanted to touch all of it.
Some rooms had a theme. You'll have to go see for yourself what the theme of this room is.
Paintings are of course for sale.
This is the elevator you take to get up to the exhibit. It's worth the trip for this part alone.
The multi-media section was really cool.
How 'bout those colors!
This idiot (me) tried to get an artsy photo with this sculpture to look like he had a halo.
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