Residents in South Texas Need Your Help in the Wake of Hurricane Harvey
The destruction that Hurricane Harvey has brought to South Texas has left five dead, multiple injuries and thousands homeless. Financial losses will likely be well in the billions before the remnants of this storm finally move on.
There are ways everyone can help by assisting those agencies that are stepping in to assist those affected. Donations of cash, food and even blood will be the most critical at this time
Follow these links to the Red Cross and Salvation Army to donate. You can also make a very easy $10 donation to the American Red Cross right now on your phone by texting HARVEY to 90999.
Donation Collections in Texoma:
The Wichita Falls Fire Department is sending more of their people down to Houston and will be taking donations. They are in need of toiletries such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, diapers, wipes, deodorant, soap, etc. They also need water. NO clothing please. Donations can be taken to the Central Fire Station downtown on Bluff or Station 8 near SW Pkwy. and Taft. Donations need to be in by Thursday, August 31.
Curtis Rutledge, Youth Minister at Eastside Baptist Church wanted to let the public know that they are currently taking up donations of water and anything non-perishable -- clothes, etc. -- at 1219 Peace Street in Vernon Texas. Once they have a trailer load they will take it down to South Texas to try to help out.
Additionally, the Shriners Hospitals for Children in Galveston has also been affected. Their commitment to providing care for child burn patients is a critical piece of healthcare not just for Texas, but the entire nation.