Wichita Falls Police Department Annual Report Released
Wonder what law enforcement in Wichita Falls costs you, the taxpayer? Curious as to how many complaints are filed against the department or what the racial breakdown of the department looks like? Here're your answers.
The Wichita Falls Police Department’s Annual Report gives insight into staffing numbers, budgets and even some crime statistics.
Some report highlights include:
- 2015 total budget: $20, 511,659
- Total number of employees, including sworn officers, supervisors and civilian staff: 303
Racial demographics are a part of the report as well, and are broken down by sworn personnel, sworn supervisors and civilian personnel. Among sworn personnel, for example, there are 151 white males, 13 white females, two black males and 1 black female.
The report contains lots of info and you can view the complete report here.
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